Frequently asked Questions
Here we have listed frequently asked questions and corresponding answers, which you can use to find out more about PARADISA.
Our founder couple Elia & Daniel Schleider don't like to put themselves in the spotlight, because PARADISA lives through all its shareholders, employees and visitors. But if you would like to experience them in more depth, you can do so in this one-hour interview.
The vision of PARADISA came to Elia & Daniel during a safari tour in Mauritius.
What if there was a place that allowed us to live according to our true nature, in peace, freedom and dignity for all people, all animals and in harmony with nature?
What if we gave people the opportunity to turn their backs on artificial civilisation and create a habitat that does justice to the divinity of the human being?
So the idea was born to build a Village in the middle of a free wild nature, where people, especially entrepreneurs, come together to help create this place with their being and their resources. People who desire a life in freedom, coupled with loving togetherness among like-minded people, and who take pleasure in seeing other beings blossom.
The first Paradisians have been in PARADISA for about a year and are paving the way here as pioneers for all those to follow.
The first phase, the preparatory phase, which began back in 2021, is now complete. The conception of the entire project, the establishment of the framing companies, the analysis of the local conditions and the simulation of relevant example projects has been completed. We have now reached the second phase, the implementation phase.
Houses can be built, business projects can be started directly on site.
PARADISA grows in love and in its own flow. Those who participate are allowed to let go of their mental ideas and follow in mindful presence what life lays at our feet.
What everyone must be aware of is that PARADISA is a community project and blossoms to the extent that the shareholders fill it with life.
No. Experience with investors has shown us that investors dilute the concept of PARADISA through their own wishes and interests.
Every shareholder receives shares in the community company and PARADISA grows with you as a shareholder and with the resources that you bring and make available to the community through your company.
PARADISA thrives on the diversity of its residents. The share prices reflect our desire to make it possible for young families, artists and others to live here.
Therefore, there are three different share sizes, starting from 55,000 EUR and 500 sqm.
If you put in more money, you get a bigger plot of land, more company shares and therefore more profits in case of a profit distribution. Please get in contact with us to arrange a Zoom Call, if you want to know more about the prices of different company share options.
With the purchase of a share, you do not buy a plot of land, but a company share, which includes the right to a plot of the corresponding size. Of course, you can choose the plot you like best from the available plots.
The most important prerequisite is that you can identify with the values and the guidelines of PARADISA. This includes the willingness to shed all masks, to explore and get to know yourself more and more deeply, as well as the joy of supporting others to follow their path.
Freedom, peace and dignity for humans, animals and nature are our highest values.
Step 1 - We get to know each other in the Zoom Call. You can ask your individual questions and we will check on both sides whether PARADISA and you are a good match. You can contact us HERE and arrange your Zoom appointment.
Step 2 - PARADISA Tour - you travel to Madagascar and experience PARADISA live on site.
Step 3: You make your decision and at the end of the tour you have an interview with the CEO of PARADISA (or appropriate representatives).
Mindfulness in dealing with one's own body is important to us, as is awareness in making one's own decisions.
Due to the circumstances in PARADISA and Madagascar, we do not see ourselves in a position to effectively absorb side effects and late effects that are not yet foreseeable.
We value personal freedom and nurturing, loving togetherness.
There is always the possibility of joint excursions and events, as well as the opportunity to retreat in silence.
There is a residential and a business area in the Beach Village. In the living area, the Paradisians are among themselves. The business area is open to the public, including day tourists, retreat participants, festival visitors, etc. Everyone follows their own flow.
Everyone follows their own flow. Some travel a lot, some are in the Village all year round.
We are entrepreneurs - our companies enrich our Village, the surrounding area and sometimes the whole world. Of course, this means that you also pay for events such as yoga, because that's how the yoga teacher finances his life here on site.
Differences between us are resolved in love and openness with the spiritual and communicative tools at our disposal.
There is the PARADISA Beach Academy. People learn most joyfully and effectively when they can follow their intrinsic motivation. That's why we offer all kinds of activities, such as boat building, learning to read and write, archery, art studio, martial arts and much more. Of course, every Paradisian can get involved and donate their knowledge and passion to the Beach Academy.
We would like to have a small clinic in PARADISA for the acute treatment of injuries and for minor and also major operations. If you are a doctor or have previous experience in this field, please contact us! What already exists are energetic healers, natural medicine & massages.
In the Malagasy culture, herbal medicine is still widespread. You can also access this knowledge through the PARADISA team. The combination of ancient and modern methods, also in the medical field, is important to us.
No. This possibility only exists for the Malagasy. We let the Malagasy share in our wealth by giving them work and supporting their own projects and visions.
The area plan is being drawn up and at the same time the first simple bungalows are already being built.
The infrastructure develops with the development of the land. When you acquire a share and with it the right to a plot of land, the right to infrastructure is included. Everything is prepared so that water, electricity, etc. can be brought to your plot.
PARADISA World Apart organises its own waste management. Our goal is to do without plastic and packaging material as much as possible. Any waste generated is sorted into organic, inorganic and hazardous waste and recycled or disposed of according to local standards.
There is a PARADISA collection from which you can choose the basic structure of your house.
Architects and craftsmen are all from Madagascar, but we would like to have a shareholder who will take care of the construction of the houses as a contractor in the future.
We have developed a modular system for the houses, so that you can choose the size according to your wishes. The larger version with two extra modules to the main module is available from about 60,000 €, the smaller version from about 35,000 €.
Smaller wooden houses are also available in different versions, between 15,000 and 25,000 €.
However, this is only to be understood as a guide value. In addition, there are the interior fittings and furnishings.
The contracts are in English. The share is to be purchased in one payment.
We strongly advise against buying property in Madagascar as an individual. Our network of local and internationally renowned advisors and team members enables a smooth, legally secure transaction.
As you have already read, it is a matter close to our hearts to live on an equal footing with the local people and to cross-fertilise each other. Over the past months, we have built up a friendly and amicable relationship with the Madegasses.
We benefit from them and they from us.
As a shareholder and entrepreneur, you can get a longer-term and later also a permanent residence permit with our help. Europeans are generally welcome in Madagascar.
In PARADISA there are many opportunities for shopping. We support a permaculture project from which we obtain vegetables, fruits, rice and the like very cheaply. This and other offers, such as a natural cosmetics collection, will be available in our PARADISA supermarket, which is as plastic-free as possible.
Further shopping opportunities exist in the village on Nosy Be and in the capital Antananarivo. The PARADISA FOR YOU agency offers to do your shopping for you there for an additional fee.
Prices in Madagascar range from very cheap to expensive. If you want to eat "European" food, you pay premium prices. A jar of Nutella, for example, costs around 10 euros. If you adapt to the eating habits of the country, shopping is usually much cheaper than in Europe.
In your own garden you are allowed to grow vegetables for your own use. It is not permitted to grow vegetables there for sale.
Yes, animals may be brought along. They must be neutered, because there are already too many baby animals on the streets.
You are allowed to keep chickens as pets, but only in such a way that they can live in dignity. It is not allowed to keep chickens to eat them.
PARADISA is in the very fertile northwest of Madagascar.
We have a tropical climate with year-round temperatures between 25 and 30 degrees and a moderate rainy season of about five months between November/December and March/April. Pleasantly, it rains here mostly at night and rarely during the day, even in the rainy season.
Dangerous animals are almost non-existent here, children can move around freely and it is safe to walk barefoot.

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